Hit by Russia and honeymoon even economic sanctions

Yakuketsuki from turbulent times acceleration Date

Hit by Russia and honeymoon even economic sanctions Yakuketsuki from turbulent times acceleration Date 00 upheaval from the date it has been expected to accelerate. But it has passed more then months, Japan, and in the world, things like feel the turbulent acceleration among the general news has become more noticeable so. Egyptian regime change (democratization of the Middle East) Such as the observation first ever snow flood cold wave, the term observation first ever comes out frequently Earthquake (I think that has been an increasing number of small earthquakes in Tokyo) Activation of Shinmoedake volcano bird influenza Food price increases This time, in Egypt evolved from a demo turmoil, but now that the resignation of President Hosni Mubarak, the primary cause of the proband by the rise in grain prices is the result of reaction to the status quo that people dont eat. Rise in food prices saw that lead to the overthrow, the other emerging countries, will it take the inflation measures for regime stabilization, it is the rise in interest rates.

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